To continue the legacy of Going To The Match On Tour, we are delighted to exhibit a selection of works from the photographic series Match Day, by Tabitha Jussa.
Match Day documents the journeys of fans around the home fixtures of Liverpool FC, Everton FC and Tranmere Rovers. Jussa’s interest is in capturing the ritualistic behaviour of large crowds, exploring the habitual and sometimes essential narratives and relationships that exist between people and place.
Although Jussa started out as a documentary photographer, her interest in fusing together traditional and contemporary approaches to photography has brought about her own distinctive style. An observer’s distance has been adopted, taking in the scene as a whole, resulting in all-encompassing large-scale landscapes.
Match Day will be exhibited in Gallery 4, taking the place of works by LS Lowry which had been on loan through Going To The Match On Tour. The works from our own collections will remain in place, inviting new connections between subjects and themes.
16th August – 21st December
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