Worst Record Covers; the Visitor Choice winner revealed!

Worst Record Covers; the Visitor Choice winner revealed!




642 votes were cast, but which record cover did you award the dubious honour of being the worst of them all?

Thank you to everyone who visited Worst Record Covers and cast their vote for the Visitor Choice award. In classic chart-countdown style the Top 10 can now be revealed!

10: Hans Edler- Dirty Sally

From Worst Record Covers. A man with ear-length fair hair with a serious look on his face, but wearing red high-waisted paints, no top and a leopard-print cape.

9: Dan Crary- Lady’s Fancy

A man playing an acoustic guitar. He is balding and the combover is questionable.

8: David Bowie- Toy

Part of Worst Record Covers. David Bowie's face superimposed onto a baby's bald head, he's wearing a white top which reads TOY.

7: Riot- Narita

Part of Worst Record Covers. A figure with a red body like a sumo wrestler and the head of a rodent of some kind is carrying a large axe and standing over lots of skulls. Behind him a low-flying is heading towards him.

6: Ray Franky- Ik Dank Je

Part f Worst Record Covers. A man in a light grey suit jacket, black shirt and bow tie is posing and smiling. He has a very off combover.

5: Vietnam Chain- Before I Go

A man is lying in a hospital bed. He is awake and appears to have an erection under the cover. On one side of the bed stands a priest who is showing him a cross. On the other, say on the bed, is a woman in a black veil, black figure-hugging sleeveless dress and elbow-length black gloves. The man in the bed is awake. Outside the window behind the bed is the figure of Death.

4: Carlos- Hier Aujourd’hui

Part of Worst Record Covers. A large man is sitting in a very bubbly bath. He has quite a hairy chest, has dark hair and a beard. He is holding a large glass filled with a clear liquid in one hand, and in the other, at the waterline around his midriff, a toy sausage.

3: Katerine- Robots Apres Tout

Part of Worst Record Covers. Several people with the same platinum blonde bob are all wearing pink roll-neck sweaters and short white shorts. One man closest to the front has dark hair instead, but is dressed the same.

2: Holograf- Stai in Poala Mea

Part of Worst Record Covers. Five nakes men are sitting on 5 chairs in a crescent-moon shape. They are all holding a white rabbit on their laps.

1: Dave McKenna/Wilbur Little- Oil and Vinegar 

Part of Worst Record Covers. A couple kidding. The man is standing behind the woman and the woman is covering her breasts with large lettuce leaves.

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